13 Oct 2012

Townsville fridge repairs (or not)

Downtown TYC marina
With Jim back in Hong Kong for a week (and BKK, TPE & DXB), Alexis & Carole nipped back up to Cairns to recover their wagon & explore the Tablelands. Meanwhile Frank remained aboard to check out Townsville & Magnetic Island, and honcho the fridge repairs.

Expecting electrical problems, Frank removed the compressor tray and checked the control box - no problem. Maybe we had simply lost the refrigerant?

The manager at TYC marina recommended Clive Simpson at SS Electrical & Refrigeration, so we duly gave him a call and arranged an appointment for a re-gas, and to look for leaks or other problems. This he did, charging $352 (!) but we now had cold beer and the capacity to store more fish, so probably worth it.

deep fridge compressor
Sadly, it was not to last. Within 2 days the fridge was running warm again - obviously a slow gas leak. Bugger!!!

Calling Mr Simpson, it transpired that he had not actually tested for slow leaks; he had left that particular piece of equipment in the car. No, really.

Strangely, he blamed Frank for this, saying that as Frank had said that he thought it was an electrical problem, there was no need for a full pressure check! A true professional.

He offered to return to complete the job properly, but by the time the leak was (re-) discovered we were in Bowen, and he wasn't offering to drive 200km down the road to meet us. Thanks - 350 bucks down the drain.

An expensive lesson learned: don't use Mr Clive Simpson at SS Electrical & Refrigeration in Townsville...


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